Not only for the looks but also for a stronger core which is an amazing asset to have when performing compound movements.

How define your abs are determined by your body fat. The higher the body fat you have the less you see them.


When you eat you don’t only eat 1 item you have sides that compliment what your eating, and obliques are the sides of the abs. They frame your abs but more importantly they are the pillars that make you rotate side to side.

My abs aren’t as defined as they used to be but they look decent due to my obliques. They make a huge difference in how your entire mid-section will appear.


This is, if not, one of the most important for muscle building and overall body growth as it’s half your body. Squats and more squats will do the trick.


Watch those knees when you’re squatting you can really get knee pain if you’re squatting more than you can handle. Personally I think having a nice set of legs is a must since I know what it’s like to be disproportionate and trust me it looks weird.


If you’re taking a seat this is what is holding you up as you go down it acts opposite compared to the quads making sure you don’t fall.


My old nemesis. If you have a larger frame then you’ll most likely have bigger calves. Imagine having to hold your weight all day that’s what the calves do so to compensate they grow unless you are intentionally working them out.


The booty. A majority of people don’t realize that your glutes are an essential part of your body. Your abs and obliques and glutes work together to make your core. Yes your butt is a part of your core. If your squatting your core keeps you straight so you don’t end up arching your back enough to give your self a hernia.


So it’s day 2 & 5. You gotta grab your gains and pull it towards you. All exercises on this day are pulling movements. It’s important to workout your back as much as the front due to the muscles tightened at the front cause your shoulders to slouch and bad posture is not good.


The back is the toughest part of your body. When trained properly it becomes resilient and strong. Now the back can be broken up into subgroups: Traps, Lats, and the lower back.


The traps muscles start behind the head and goes into the upper layers of your back. They compliment the neck giving it a wider and thicker look.


When developed it empathizes the V body shape look. Making the waist appear smaller and your shoulders broader. There are two part to this muscle the upper lats and the lower lats. The upper is what can be seen from the front and the lower from the back.

Lower Back

When you lean forward and and back your core works with your lower back to control the movement of half your body. Achieving a healthy lower back will reward you with not having back pain as your get older but it can only be trained so much, and when overtraining there’s a possibility of getting a hernia. You don’t want that.

having some mass and being lean will reveal the lower back. In the world of bodybuilding it is know as a Christmas tree


This is exact what it is, it’s the a routine 2x a week where you preform exercises that require you to push. Chest, triceps, and shoulders are the main push muscle that you will workout out on day 1 and day 4.
You will find a quick overall view of this group.


When working out the chest it’s VERY IMPORTANT to watch those shoulders because you can workout wrong and it’s why numbers don’t matters. I sustained injury’s from using improper lifting techniques.

The chest. Something about just present power, authority, confidence, it sends a psychological message of “I’m ready for what every you got.”


Tri- meaning 3. Your triceps are composed of 3 different muscle heads that take up 2/3 of your arm. If big arms are what you want or if your a girl who wants to tone their arm then this is the way to go.

The triceps are big and strong they are hand in hand with the chest.


Working out your shoulder is a great way to avoid age related problems when we get older they help stabilize the front and the back. When achieving muscle growth they make men appear more broad.

Shoulders also have 3 heads that connect to your clavicle and function to bring your arms up above you.


The number 1 muscle that makes you look muscular with a shirt on. Having a nice set of round shoulders will make you appear to look broader. 


Lateral raises

start by using light weight so you can establish a mind-muscle connection. Raise the weight with your elbows slightly bent. Once at a 90 degree angle slowly lower it. The main focus is to control the weight. Muscle grows in response to new levels of stress that is laid upon it, by having control over the weight you are getting in quality reps. Quality over quantity.

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